udev is slow to start at boot time
09 Jan 2010 at 00:00:00 - 0 comment(s)You are compiling your kernel yourself or after a kernel update from your distribution, udev takes forever to start but you don't know why. I will give you the solution to this problem in this post.
Create a VPN on Linux with Poptop
06 Jan 2010 at 00:00:00 - 0 comment(s)You are using Linux and you need to create a VPN where both Windows and Linux users will be able to connect to really easily. This post is done for you. In few lines we will see how to install and configure Poptop, an open source PPTP server for Linux. On top of that we'll see the options you need in the kernel as well as how to configure iptables properly if ever you use it. Then how to connect to it using pptpclient on Linux which is the client for the proprietary Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, PPTP. Finally we'll see how to connect to your VPN on Windows.
Discover, install and try a new Linux distribution: archlinux
25 Dec 2009 at 00:00:00 - 4 comment(s)You are not using Linux yet or maybe you are but a different linux distribution. Maybe you are using ubuntu? This post is done for you. You are about to discover and learn about the best linux distribution ever. Archlinux might not be the easiest distribution to install but with this complete guide, it will. Archlinux let you have the entire control on every part of your system.
How to use spring-jdbc from the springframework?
15 Dec 2009 at 00:00:00 - 4 comment(s)In my previous post we have seen how to create a webapp. Today we will see how to use spring-jdbc which is the Spring Framework's JDBC abstraction framework. Thanks to this you will be able to connect your webapp to a database. In my example I will use mysql but it is really easy to use any other database.
How to create a webapp? A step by step tutorial about the springframework, maven and eclipse.
12 Dec 2009 at 00:00:00 - 8 comment(s)This post is a short introduction on how to create a web application in java from scratch. We will use the springframework, a really popular java framework. The current stable version of this framework is 2.5.6 but we will see the features of the next major version: 3.0. At the time I write these lines it is in RC3 so it should be released pretty soon. I will do a short introduction about maven as we will use it. The IDE I am using is eclipse so if you don't already know about it, you can learn few things there.