10 Apr 2010 at 00:00:00 -
I have been reading quite a lot about Java 1.7. There are articles about what's new, some code examples, some benchmark to compare performance with previous version of Java and discussion on when it will be released. I have decided to regroup all I have discovered in this article so that I and maybe you, won't have to spend hours surfing the web to find all this information.
28 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
For those of you who don't know, GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop for your GNU/Linux or UNIX computer. To put it simple, it's a desktop environment and if you are using Ubuntu then that's what you are using the most when you are using Linux. Today they are trying to hire a Sysadmin and they need the help of the community. Maybe you can help?
25 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
This post is a very short one but might be really useful. You have multiple files they all contains the same string like a parameter for config files and you would like to change it in all the files. That would take you a while if you have 100 files so here is exactly what you need in 1 simple command line using sed on Linux.
17 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
I have the Nexus One since the 6th of January. I discovered few apps which I find really good so I've decided to make a list of them. If you found better ones or you believe some other apps diserve to be here, leave a comment. That will be useful for everyone.
09 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
I am a vim user and I thought it would be interesting if I was sharing some of the stuff I like the most about vim as well as having this post as a reminder for myself. So here are few things about vim.
05 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
If you are using lighttpd or you intend to use it then you should check this post. You'll find quite a few interesting things about url-redirect and url-rewrite using respectively mod_redirect and mod_rewrite. I have added some other tips as well such as enabling compression, getting drupal to work with lighttpd or how to use mod_proxy (useful if you run a java webapp for example).
04 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
You are copying big files using scp and unfortunately the transfer fails. You get "stalled". You have already copied 80% of the file and you don't want to start from the beginning especially because it could fail again. Here is the solution to your problem. How to resume a scp transfer? Using rsync.
04 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 -
You have a machine with a lot of RAM. After sometimes you notice that you have hardly any RAM left and that it starts to swap. Though if you look at your process using top for example you notice that none of your application are using all your memory. This is because Linux is caching stuff into memory and unfortunately when you need to use more memory rather than freeing some cache it will start to swap. So let's see how to clear the memory cache.
06 Feb 2010 at 00:00:00 -
This is a great how-to if you want to install and configure an email server. If you are struggling to do so, this post will put an end to it. I myself was struggling getting everything to work as I wanted especially for the smtp to do authentication and solve the relay access denied error message I was getting even with the authentication working. On top of having a working email server with encryption and authentication we will configure spamassassin in order to get rid of the SPAM. Configuration files are available for download and it is guarantee to work not like the thousand of tutorials I read.