Java 1.8 (JDK8): What's new? Code examples and performance

20 Apr 2013 at 15:54:52 - 100 comment(s)
In a previous post, I talked about new features and performance of java 1.7. Java 7 has now been released a while ago and Java 8 is coming. Java 1.8 is planned to be released on the 9th of September 2013. I'm going to present the main new features of the Java 8 (JDK8). I will show some code examples and run some simple benchmarks to compare it with its predecessor Java 1.6 and Java 1.7.

A list of useful regexp

30 Oct 2011 at 00:00:00 - 0 comment(s)
regexp or in other words regular expression is something you have to regularly use in your applications. I've decided to write this post as a placeholder for regexp I believe are common and useful such as regexp for email validation or some you might use to replace characters in a string. I might write some piece of java code but you can use these regular expression in many other languages.

3DES Encryption in Java and DES Encryption in Java

13 Nov 2010 at 00:00:00 - 20 comment(s)
Here is a small post with just code to do 3DES (Triple DES) and DES Encryption in Java. You can simply copy/paste it in a Class you call Encrypter and it's ready to use. The public constructor takes the key and the IV as arguments.

A short introduction to VisualVM and the JVM

03 Nov 2010 at 00:00:00 - 2 comment(s)
While I was reading the comments in my previous post about java 1.7, I realized that there is one thing that Java as which is great: VisualVM. If you don't know it, this is a must read post. You will discover it and see how to use it. I will talk about the Garbage Collector as well, only basic things to be able to understand Visual GC.

Java 1.7 - What's new? Release date, code examples and performance

10 Apr 2010 at 00:00:00 - 331 comment(s)
I have been reading quite a lot about Java 1.7. There are articles about what's new, some code examples, some benchmark to compare performance with previous version of Java and discussion on when it will be released. I have decided to regroup all I have discovered in this article so that I and maybe you, won't have to spend hours surfing the web to find all this information.

How to use spring-jdbc from the springframework?

15 Dec 2009 at 00:00:00 - 4 comment(s)
In my previous post we have seen how to create a webapp. Today we will see how to use spring-jdbc which is the Spring Framework's JDBC abstraction framework. Thanks to this you will be able to connect your webapp to a database. In my example I will use mysql but it is really easy to use any other database.

How to create a webapp? A step by step tutorial about the springframework, maven and eclipse.

12 Dec 2009 at 00:00:00 - 8 comment(s)
This post is a short introduction on how to create a web application in java from scratch. We will use the springframework, a really popular java framework. The current stable version of this framework is 2.5.6 but we will see the features of the next major version: 3.0. At the time I write these lines it is in RC3 so it should be released pretty soon. I will do a short introduction about maven as we will use it. The IDE I am using is eclipse so if you don't already know about it, you can learn few things there.