Tips about vim
09 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 - 0 comment(s)
I am a vim user and I thought it would be interesting if I was sharing some of the stuff I like the most about vim as well as having this post as a reminder for myself. So here are few things about vim.
Find and replace every occurence of "tata" and replace it by "toto"
To split the window in half to have 2 files (or more) opened in the same window
:split file
To switch between two split window
ctrl + w + up/down key
To select a block of text
ctrl + v
To insert in front of every line selected using block of text
shift + i
To go at the end of the file
shift + g
To go at the beginning of the file
press g twice
To add something at the end of each lines