Best android apps

17 Mar 2010 at 00:00:00 - 1 comment(s)

I have the Nexus One since the 6th of January. I discovered few apps which I find really good so I've decided to make a list of them. If you found better ones or you believe some other apps diserve to be here, leave a comment. That will be useful for everyone.

k-9 mail

An email client. This is the most useful app for me. I didn't like the default email client. I am not using gmail. I have my own email server with postfix, dovecot (basically what's on the how-to I have written about postfix, dovecot, spamassassin...). I discovered as well that the default email client for android is sending the email to google smtp server then redirecting it. That's causing problem as emails are often identified as spam in this case. So I needed an alternative and k-9 mail is absolutely perfect.

k-9 mail for android


I guess everyone knows skype but I mention it for those who don't know it's available on android. You can do skype out calls (it's dialing a local number in this case)

skype for android

Currency Converter

This app will let you check currencies. There are graphs to see over a period of time. It's using data from yahoo. I've tried a few but I find this one is the best. Maybe you found a better one?

currency converter for android

Opera Mini

I have tried obviously the default browser and dolphin. I don't find dolphin is bringing anything really useful. Few days ago I started to use Opera Mini and I have to stay I stick to it now. It is blazing fast!

opera mini for android

Better Terminal Emulator

If ever you need a terminal or you need an ssh client. Don't hesitate, this is really good. I paid for it and I really don't have any regret.

Better Terminal Emulator for android


For the game, you can get SNesoid. It's a super nintendo emulator. Same thing, it is really good and open your android phones to tones of games. Works really great. Extremely fluid on a Nexus One.

SNesoid: Super Nintendo Emulator for Android

Other good apps

Quickly, a list of other great apps:

  • Spirit Level Plus: the name reveal what it is. A really good app.
  • AndFTP: a FTP client, really great. AndExplorer goes well with that (file explorer).
  • Barcode scanner
  • Battery indicator: to have a percentage for the battery.
  • BitBlocks Free: a tetris like game
  • Layar: show you all the things around you with distance, impressive app.
  • ColorDict: if you need a dictionary, translator. That's what you need.

Don't hesitate to share what you believe are the best apps for Android in the comments.


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